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Philippine Standard Geographic Code API

Data Information

This data is based on the PSGC Q4 2024 publication from, providing comprehensive and up-to-date geographic information for regions, provinces, cities/municipalities, and barangays across the Philippines.

Region 18
Province 82
City/Municipality 149, 1,493
Barangay 42,011
Population (2020 CPH) 109,035,343
Sample Form

API Documentation

This API allows you to access the Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) data. You can retrieve information about regions, provinces, cities/municipalities, and barangays. Below is a sample request payload for accessing the API:

Send Request GET
Parameter Description
id Optional. The PSGC ID of the region. If provided, it will return the provinces under the specified region.
Sample Response

If you don't add parameters, it will display all regions. If there are no results, it will respond with "[]".

        "psgc_id": "0400000000",
        "name": "Region IV-A (CALABARZON)",
        "correspondence_code": "040000000",
        "geographic_level": "Reg",
        "old_names": "",
        "city_class": "",
        "income_classification": "",
        "urban_rural": "",
        "population": "16,195,042",
        "status": ""

Send Request GET
Parameter Description
id Optional. The PSGC ID of the province. If provided, it will return the cities/municipalities under the specified province.
Sample Response

If you don't add parameters, it will display all provinces. If there are no results, it will respond with "[]".

        "psgc_id": "0405000000",
        "name": "Batangas",
        "correspondence_code": "045000000",
        "geographic_level": "Prov",
        "old_names": "",
        "city_class": "",
        "income_classification": "1st Class",
        "urban_rural": "",
        "population": "2,694,335",
        "status": ""

Send Request GET
Parameter Description
id Optional. The PSGC ID of the city/municipality. If provided, it will return the barangays under the specified city/municipality.
Sample Response

If you don't add parameters, it will display all cities/municipalities. If there are no results, it will respond with "[]".

        "psgc_id": "0458000000",
        "name": "Lipa City",
        "correspondence_code": "045800000",
        "geographic_level": "City",
        "old_names": "",
        "city_class": "Component City",
        "income_classification": "1st Class",
        "urban_rural": "",
        "population": "332,386",
        "status": ""

Send Request GET
Parameter Description
id Optional. The PSGC ID of the barangay. If provided, it will return the details of the specified barangay.
Sample Response

If you don't add parameters, it will display all barangays. If there are no results, it will respond with "[]".

        "psgc_id": "1400102002",
        "name": "Bao-yan",
        "correspondence_code": "140102002",
        "geographic_level": "Bgy",
        "old_names": "",
        "city_class": "",
        "income_classification": "",
        "urban_rural": "R",
        "population": " 617 ",
        "status": ""